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Elite Education Training Center values its students right to an education as well as their rights to privacy and safety. Our institution has a number of policies in place to ensure that students have the tools necessary to pursue an education in a safe, positive, and responsive environment.

Student's Rights and Responsibilities

Elite Educational Training Center seeks to maintain an environment where students have the following rights:


  • Students can freely exchange diverse ideas in an orderly manner inside and outside the classroom.

  • Students can associate freely with other individuals, groups of individuals and organizations for purposes which do not infringe on the rights of others.

  • Students can expect to participate fully in Elite Educational Training Center’s community without discrimination as defined by federal and state law.

  • Students can function in their daily activities without unreasonable concerns for personal safety, and in an environment that is conducive to educational activity.

  • Students can expect discipline to be implemented through established procedures containing all elements of due process for the adjudication of charges, and the opportunity for continued school involvement (as appropriate) until the resolution of the charges.

  • Student information is maintained confidential, free of unreasonable intrusions into information and/or matters relevant to identity and well-being.

  • Students have access to established procedures for respectfully lodging a grievance to Elite Educational Training Center

  • Students have access to all faculty, staff, resources, and supplemental educational holdings maintained on campus for the professional development of students and the learning process.

  • Students study in a setting that is conducive to personal growth.

  • Students have the right to expect responses from Elite Educational Training Center’s academic and administrative departments.


Students can expect academic and administrative policies that support intellectual exploration, learning, and growth.

Standards of Conduct

Students enrolling in Elite Educational Training Center or at any externship facility assume an obligation to conduct themselves in a manner compatible with Elite Educational Training Center and with any externship facility functioning as an educational institution. To fulfill its functions of imparting and gaining knowledge, Elite Educational Training Center and any externship facility retains the power to maintain order within the school and to exclude those who are disruptive of the educational process.


Generally, prohibited conduct for which a student is subject to disciplinary action defined as follows:


Physical or sexual assault of any person on Elite Educational Training Center’s campus and/or at any externship facility or conduct which threatens the health or safety of any such person or the physical or sexual assault of any Elite Educational Training Center and/or at any externship facility, student, faculty member or employee.


Any intentional damage to Elite Educational Training Center and at any externship facility, owned or leased property or to property of  Elite Educational Training Center and at any externship facility, student, employee, faculty member or visitor occurring on Elite Educational Training Center and/or at any externship facility, owned or leased property or at the residence of any student, faculty member or employee or unauthorized entry into or occupation of Elite Educational Training Center’s facilities and/or at any externship facility, which are locked, closed to student activities, or otherwise restricted as to use.


Any activity that may be construed as hazing ("hazing" is defined as: any action or situation which recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student for the purpose of initiation or admission into or affiliation with any organization operating under the sanction of Elite Educational Training Center and/or at any externship facility.


Use of alcohol or illicit drugs while on campus or at an externship facility. Students at Elite Educational Training Center are training for careers that involve direct interaction with patients and individuals.


Performing clinical activities under the influence of drugs or alcohol undermines patient safety and is considered a crime. Persons who engage in such actions while enrolled at Elite Educational Training Center and/or at any externship facility will be reported to the local authorities for criminal actions. Drug testing may be asked of students who display behaviors consistent with drug abuse.

Failure to comply with directions of employees, instructors, program directors, and/or officers of Elite Educational Training Center, including clinical facility supervisors acting in the performance of their respective duties, may result in immediate termination from Elite Educational Training Center


Derogatory or negative statements towards Elite Educational Training Center, its faculty, staff, or clinical affiliates communicated verbally, in writing (including via text, e-mail, blog, social network, etc.) shall result in immediate termination from Elite Educational Training Center. Videotaping and video or audio recording of any kind is prohibited without prior approval from the faculty.

Academic Misconduct

Academic misconduct is defined as the following intentional acts or omissions committed by an Elite Educational Training Center student:


Cheating: The unauthorized use of books, notes, aids, electronic sources; or unauthorized use of on-line exams, library materials or assistance from another person with respect to examinations, course assignments, field service reports, class recitations; or the unauthorized possession of examination papers (or on-line examination) or course materials, whether originally authorized or not. Any student helping another cheat may be found guilty of academic misconduct.


Plagiarism: The deliberate use and appropriation of another’s work without any indication of the source and the representation of such work as the student’s own. Any student who fails to give credit for ideas, expressions or materials taken from another source, including internet sources, is guilty of plagiarism. Any student helping another to plagiarize may be found guilty of academic misconduct.

Misrepresentation: Intentionally lying to a member of the faculty, staff, administration, or an outside agency to gain academic advantage for oneself or another, or to misrepresent or in other ways interfere with the investigation of a charge of academic misconduct.


Misuse of Computer Services: The unauthorized use of any computer, computer resource or computer project number, or the alteration or destruction of computerized information or files or unauthorized appropriation of another’s program(s):


Bribery: The offering of money or any item or service to a member of the faculty, staff, administration, or any other person to commit academic misconduct.


Conspiracy and Collusion: The planning or acting with one or more fellow students, any member of the faculty, staff or administration, or any other person to commit any form of academic misconduct together.


Falsification of Records: The tampering with or altering in any way any academic record used or maintained by the institution.


Academic Dishonesty: In general, by any act or omission not specifically mentioned above and which is outside the customary scope of preparing and completing academic assignments and/or contrary to the above stated policies concerning academic integrity.


Charges of Academic Misconduct may be brought against a student (hereafter Charged Student) by a faculty member, member of the administration or Executive member (hereafter Complainant). Charges may be filed by the persons on behalf of a staff person, another student, or a person not affiliated with the school, who believes that a student has committed academic misconduct.


The Complainant, who suspects academic misconduct, must meet with the student to inform him/her of the allegation(s), to provide any evidence, and to allow the student to respond, before either entering an Informal Resolution, as described below, or filing the Complaint Form Alleging Academic Misconduct with the School Director or Director of Admissions.

Drug-Free Workplace

Elite Educational Training Center is a drug-free workplace for staff, faculty, and students.

Listed below are resources of drug prevention programs:

  • The Center for Substance Abuse Prevention HOTLINE (1-800-662-4357)

  • The Center for Substance Abuse Prevention HELPLINE (1-800-967-5752)

  • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (1-800-WORKPLACE)

  • U.S. Department of Education Regional Centers Drug-Free Schools and Communities (1-502-588-0052)

Adverse Weather and Emergency Closing Policy

Emergencies such as severe weather, fire, power failures, or hurricanes can disrupt Elite Educational Training Center’s operations. In these extreme cases, Elite Educational Training Center may be required to close. If such an emergency occurs during non-working hours, local radio and/or television stations. Elite staff broadcast notification of the closing. When the decision to close Elite Educational Training Center occurs during school hours, employees will receive official notification from the campus president or Elite Educational Training Center official, and students will be informed appropriately.

Student ID

ID cards are issued to students at the time of enrollment. Students must wear their ID on school premises and at clinical sites.

Make-up Work

The school will schedule make-up days. The student will only be allowed to make-up one exam per month with an excused absence. If any other exams are missed, the student will receive a “0” grade. No make-up exam will be given if the student receives a “D” or “F” on the exam. Final exams and unit exams cannot be made-up if the student is absent from these exams, he/she will receive a “0” grade.

Clinical/Externship Agreements

Assignments are made by the clinical instructor/coordinator. Any concerns or questions about the assignment should be brought to the instructor at the beginning of the shift. The distance from our institution to clinical sites may be over fifty miles from the school. Students are required to arrive 15 minutes before the assigned time. Students must notify the instructor and the staff nurse if there is a need to leave the unit. It is the responsibility of the student to notify the instructor and staff nurse upon returning to the unit. Students are allowed a 30-minute lunch break. This break is to be taken after the client; the patient’s needs are met. If time allows the clinical instructor may permit a 15-minute morning and/or afternoon break. Students are not permitted to leave the clinical site during clinical hours. Leaving the clinical site without permission from the clinical instructor constitutes patient abandonment and will result in dismissal from the program. Patient Plan of Care, Case Studies, and reports forms are due as assigned. Assignments submitted late will be subject to having ten points deducted per day and/or dismissal from clinical assignment for the day.

The course schedule and clinical assignments are subject to change at any time during the program. The staff will make every effort to notify students of any changes in a timely manner; however, flexibility is necessary in terms of class and clinical schedules. Clinical sessions may be scheduled on weekdays, weekends, holidays, or during the graveyard shift in 4-to-12-hour shifts. Please be advised that students do not choose their own clinical schedules or assignments.

Program Changes

Elite Educational Training Center reserves the right to amend, add, or delete classes, programs, policies, equipment, tuition, fees, with prior notice of such changes. Reasonable accommodation will be made for students impacted by such changes.

Change of Program

Enrolled students who wish to change to a program of study other than the one in which they are currently enrolled must withdraw and reapply. The refund policy will govern any tuition refund for any withdrawn class (es), and the current full tuition will be charged to the student for the new program.

Disclosure - Bilingual Program

To accommodate our Spanish speaking students some of our courses are taught in both English and Spanish. Completing a course or a program in a language other than English may reduce employability where English is required.

Course Numbering System

The institution utilizes alphanumeric variables to represent course and its level of academic offering. Course numbers are used to designate and organize curriculum by paradigm and academic level. This course numbering system is not associated with the state course numbering system.

Grade Point Average (GPA)

Each letter grade has a point value. To calculate a GPA, add the total grade point values for all courses and divide that figure by the total number of clock hours attempted.

Withdrawal “W” Grade

A grade of “W” is given when a student drops from a course after they have attended said course.

Withdrawing from a course will have the following affect:

  • If a student's last date of attendance is at the 20 percent point of attendance of a course, he or she will receive a grade of “F.” An “F” grade will affect the students GPA, and the credit attempted/credit earned. An “F’ grade will also be counted towards a student’s ability to complete the program in the maximum time frame of 1.5 times or 150% of the program length.

  • If a student's last date of attendance is before the 20 percent point of attendance of component, he or she will receive a grade of “W”, and the grade will result in no credit earned and will not affect the credit attempted/credit earned. A “W” grade will, however, be counted towards a student’s ability to complete the program in the maximum time frame of 1.5 or 150% of the program length.

Academic Standards

Consequences of sustained poor academic performance are summarized below:

Cumulative GPA: 0.0 to 1.99 = Academic Probation

Students must have a minimum of 2.0 overall GPA to graduate.

These measures are applicable at the end of each grading period. For programs under 240 clock hours these measures are applied at the midpoint and completion of the program.

Academic Probation

Students will be evaluated for academic progress at the end of each academic quarter. Students enrolled in programs whose length is under 240 clock hours and are not making satisfactory progress will be placed on academic probation for a period of two weeks. For programs whose length is over 240 clock hours, students will be placed on academic probation for a period of two months. Students enrolled in courses that are over 240 clock hours will not be sent to externship if their grade point average is not 2.0 or greater for all programs. If by the time of clinical externship, the student has not been able to improve their academic progress to the minimum standard, the student will be academically dismissed. Students who are academically dismissed will be able to re-enter in the following quarter if they follow the re-entry policy.

Process to Appeal Probation

Students are reminded of the attendance requirements described in the attendance section of this student catalog. Elite Educational Training Center faculty is available to provide academic counseling and remediation for any student needing assistance. Students who wish to appeal their probation may do so following the process below:

The student must petition Elite Educational Training Center in writing.

  • The petition must include steps that will be taken by the student to improve his or her academic standing with Elite Educational Training Center

  • The petition must be addressed and delivered to the program director.

  • All petitions will be reviewed by Elite Educational Training Center administration, and the student will receive a response in writing within five business days.

If a student demonstrates mitigating circumstances, (e.g., illness, death in the family, or similar bonafide excuse) an exception may be made upon appeal and with the approval of the program director. Courses from which a student withdraws must be retaken. This may extend the student's enrollment status and may incur additional tuition costs. All credits attempted count towards 150% of the normal program length, even if the student is on an extended enrollment.

Re-Entry Policy

Students are eligible to re-apply for enrollment to Elite Educational Training Center after dismissal. This request will be on a petition basis. For re-enrollment to be approved, the petition must present evidence of some change in the student’s circumstance. A withdrawn student may re-enter anytime.

Externship/Clinical Requirements

Elite Educational Training Center does not have control of what is required at the clinical sites. Students must meet the clinical site requirements to be allowed to complete the clinical rotation. Should a student not meet the clinical site requirement they run the risk of not passing the class or being withdrawn from the program.

Facial Specialist & Nail Technician State Licensing

The graduate will submit a completed application to the State Board of Cosmetology, certified by the school. The Department of Business and Professional Regulations will issue the License after satisfactorily passing the Cosmetology State Board examination. Graduate must be a minimum of 16 years of age to take the State Board Examination for the Cosmetology

It is necessary to submit the following to apply for the State Board Examination:

  1. Application Form

  2. Money order for $75.00 (payable to DBPR)

  3. A photograph

  4. A fee of $25.00 applicable toward your HIV/AIDS certification.

Individuals with Disabilities

Elite Educational Training Center is handicap-accessible and does not discriminate against individuals based on physical or mental disability. Elite Educational Training Center is fully committed to providing reasonable accommodations, including appropriate auxiliary aids and services, to qualified individuals with a disability, unless providing such accommodations would result in an undue burden or fundamentally alter the nature of the relevant program, benefit, or service provided. To request an auxiliary aid or service, please contact the campus president. Individuals with disabilities or illnesses should make every effort to understand the physical and mental demands of the profession. Elite Educational Training Center is committed to providing every reasonable effort to consider these students, bearing in mind the safety of the student, employee, and the patient.

Sexual Harassment Policy

​The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has issued guidelines that treat sexual harassment as illegal sex discrimination under the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Elite Educational Training Center supports a policy on sexual harassment that includes a commitment to creating and maintaining an environment in which the students, faculty, and administrative staff can work together in an atmosphere free of all forms of harassment, exploitation, or intimidation. It is the policy of Elite Educational Training Center that conduct by any of its employees or students, which may be interpreted as sexual harassment, is prohibited, and shall not be tolerated in the workplace or classroom. Additionally, any form of harassment based on age, race, religion, disability, national origin, color, marital status, sexual orientation, or any protected class by or toward any employee or student of Elite Educational Training Center is prohibited. No one has the right to harass employees or students. Violations of this policy may result in severe disciplinary action and/or legal proceedings and may result in termination.

Verbal Assault Policy

Verbal assault, harassment, intimidation, bullying, or defamation interferes with the mission of Elite Educational Training Center. Each member of this community is expected to be sufficiently tolerant of others so that all students are free to pursue their goals in an open environment, able to participate in the free exchange of ideas, and able to share equally in the benefits of our educational opportunities. Beyond that, each member of the community is encouraged to do all that she or he can to ensure that Elite Educational Training Center is fair, humane, and responsible to all students.

Prohibited Conduct

Any of the following acts, even if communicative in nature, are prohibited "separation offenses"(charges that could lead to suspension or expulsion from the school) under the provisions of Elite Educational Training Center Standards of Conduct:


  1. Use of force against the person or property of any member of the Elite Educational Training Center community or against the person or property of anyone on the school’s premises, or the threat of such physical abuse. (Verbal assault may be prosecuted as a "threat of...physical abuse.")

  2. Theft of, or intentional damage to, school property, or property in the possession of, or owned by, member of Elite Educational Training Center (Acts of graffiti or other vandalism may be prosecuted as "intentional damage")

  3. Bullying, intimidation, and harassment: a person acts with the purpose to bully, intimidate, and harass another by:

    • Making, or causing to be made, a communication or communications (including the use of electronic and/or social media) anonymously or at extremely inconvenient hours, or in offensively coarse language, or any other manner likely to cause annoyance or alarm; or

    • Subjecting another to striking, kicking, shoving, or other offensive touching, or threatening to do so.

    • Engaging in any other course of alarming conduct or of repeatedly committed acts with purpose to alarm or seriously annoy such other person, such that the behavior substantially disrupts or interferes with the orderly operation of the institution or the rights of other students to participate in or benefit from the educational program.

  4. Defamation, which is judicially defined to mean, and here means, the unprivileged oral, written, or electronic publication of a false statement of fact that exposes the person about whom it is made to hatred, contempt, or ridicule, or subjects that person to loss of the good will and confidence of others, or so harms that person's reputation as to deter others from associating with her or him. Defamation is considered a separation offense under Elite Educational Training Center Code of Student Conduct as a "heinous act."

FERPA Policy

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 requires institutions to establish appropriate procedures for granting access to student records. Such access must be within a reasonable time, not to exceed forty-five (45) days. Students may inspect and review their education records upon written request to the registrar. A student should submit to the registrar or an appropriate school staff person a written request that identifies as precisely as possible the record or records he or she wishes to inspect. The registrar or the appropriate Elite Educational Training Institute staff member will make the needed arrangements for access as promptly as possible and notify the student of the time and place where records may be inspected. Access must be given within forty-five (45) days or less from the receipt of the request. When a record contains information about more than one (1) student, the student may inspect and review only the records that relate to him or her. Elite Educational Training Institute reserves the right to refuse to permit a student to inspect the following records:


  • Financial records of the student’s parents or guardians.

  • Letters and statements of recommendation for which the student has waived his or her right to access.

  • Records connected with an application to attend the Elite Educational Training Institute or a component unit of the institution if that application was denied.

  • Records that are excluded from the FERPA definition of education records. Elite Training Institute reserves the right to deny transcripts, diplomas, or copies of records not required to be made available by the FERPA in any of the following situations:

  • Students live within commuting distance of Elite Educational Training Institute.

  • Students have an unpaid financial obligation to the institute.

  • The student had an unresolved disciplinary action.

Emergency Contacts

Elite Educational Training Center is not legally or financially responsible for medical care and does not provide the services of a physician. The Fire Department Rescue Service provides first aid emergency health service.

At the time of enrollment, each student should provide the name of the individual to contact in an emergency on the appropriate line of the application form. Students should always carry emergency information, as well as any medical insurance card(s).

Dress Code

Elite Educational Training Center maintains a strict dress code for its students. All students are expected to be neat, clean, and dressed in their required uniform provided by Elite Educational Training Center.

All students are expected to be neat, clean, and dressed in their medical scrubs consistent with the type of dress that would be required for the medical/business office, in the color designated by Elite Educational Training Center.

The student’s footwear should consist of clean, sneakers or medical clogs. A student’s appearance must reflect the demands to maintain astute professional, medical, and hygienic standards. Personal appearance is one of the first features upon which an employer evaluates a candidate for employment.

Students that want to purchase an additional uniform set can speak to the admission representative. Additional uniform sets will require a fee.


Students are expected to attend all scheduled class meetings and to arrive on time. Students are expected to inform faculty in advance of any dates when a student may be absent. It is the responsibility of the student to make up for missed work. For an absence to be excused the student shall provide a doctor’s note or court document. Students with excessive absences will be subject to disciplinary action, including termination from their course of study. All externship/clinical hours that are missed must be made up. More than three absences from clinical assignments without prior notice may result in termination from school.


Attendance and promptness reflect an individual’s level of professionalism and work ethic. Since Elite Educational Training Center trains students for careers, we believe our policies should reflect the work environment. A student arriving after attendance has been taken is considered late. A student who is more

than fifteen minutes late, may not be allowed to enter the classroom at the discretion of the instructor. It is the responsibility of the student to make up for the missed work in a timely manner. A student who is tardy three times in one calendar month will have one absence recorded on their attendance record.

Leave of Absence

Elite Educational Training Center requires students to provide a written, signed, and dated request for a Leave of Absence prior to the last date of attendance. However, if unforeseen circumstances prevent a student from providing a prior written request, Elite Educational Training Center may grant the student’s request for a leave of absence and document its decision in the student’s file. The student must provide Elite Educational Training Center with the written request within 30 days.
A student may be granted a Leave of Absence (LOA) of up to 180 days in any 12-month period. The number of days on a leave of absence commences the day after the student’s last day of attendance. “A 12-month period” begins on the first day of the student's initial leave of absence.
Upon the student's return from the leave of absence, the student is permitted to complete the coursework he or she began prior to the leave of absence without any penalties. A student may take a subsequent LOA if the subsequent leave of absence does not exceed 30 days and the institution determines that the subsequent leave of absence is necessary due to unforeseen circumstances. Approved reasons for a subsequent LOA are jury duty, military reasons, or circumstances covered under the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993.
If a student does not resume attendance at the institution on or before the end of a leave of absence, the student will be treated as a withdrawal.
It is the responsibility of the student to make up for the missed work in a timely manner (within 30 days).

Class/Laboratory Size

For students to receive individualized attention, Elite Educational Training Center will maintain proper ratio between faculty and students to allow adequate attention. The student-faculty ratio will not exceed 15:1 in theory class and 15:1 in laboratory classes. Laboratory class size will vary by program.


Please be aware that working in different aspects of the medical field, especially in the careers offered at our institution, can entail strenuous physical activity. This activity can include standing and/or walking for long periods, bending, lifting, pulling, and pushing. If any of the mentioned activities are difficult or impossible, please take this into consideration when applying for a career program as physical incapability may pose a problem when obtaining employment.

Unit of Credit

The Unit of Credit used at Elite Educational Training Center is a clock hour. A clock hour is defined as a period of 60 minutes with a minimum of 50 minutes of instruction in the presence of an instructor and a 10-minute break.


Students are graded according to the following Grade Point Average (GPA) system:

Used in GPA computation:
A= 100-90; Outstanding; 4.0

B= 89-80; Very Good; 3.0

C= 79-70; Satisfactory; 2.0

D= 69-60; Failed; 1.0

F= 59-0; Failed; 0.0


Not Used in GPA computation:

I = Incomplete

W = Withdrawal

Incomplete “I” Grade

An Incomplete “I” is a temporary grade which may be given at the instructor’s discretion to a student when illness, necessary absence, or other reasons beyond the control of the student prevent completion of course requirements by the end of the academic term. Students will have two weeks from the term’s end date to complete course work. Otherwise, the grade will convert to an “F.”

Standards of Academic Progress (SAP)

The “Standards of Academic Progress” establishes a formal process through which the administration and faculty of Elite Educational Training Center, can identify and aid students who experience academic difficulty.
Students are expected to meet specific standards of satisfactory academic progress while working toward a diploma at Elite Educational Training Center. Students will be evaluated for academic progress at the end of each academic quarter. The satisfactory academic progress policy measures the following factor:

  1. Qualitative Measure (Cumulative GPA): Students must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher for all clock hours attempted in all programs to remain compliant with SAP Policy. This amounts to a “C” average. The grade of “W” has no effect on the student’s cumulative grade point average.

  2. Quantitative Measure (Clock Hour Progression): You must complete at least 67% of clock hours attempted for each course to remain compliant with SAP Policy. Clock hour progression will be based on a cumulative total of attempted hours to earned hours. For example, a student enrolls in a 60-hour course is required to successfully complete a minimum of 40 clock hours (60 x 67% = 40) for the course.

Start and End Dates for Enrollment: Completion Time

The date of entrance and the frequency of attendance determine the date of completion. The maximum completion time of any program is the number of weeks of instructional time times 1.5; for example, if the completion time of a program is 6 weeks in length, the maximum completion time is 6 x 1.5 = 9 weeks.
If a student exceeds the maximum completion time, the student will be withdrawn once it is determined that they have exceeded the allowable maximum time frame.
For example, if you are pursuing a program that requires 1350 clock hours for graduation, you would reach the maximum time frame at 2025 clock hours attempted. The student will be withdrawn once it is determined that they have exceeded the allowable maximum time frame.
If you are a transfer student, your accepted transfer coursework will be counted in the maximum time frame. You can repeat a course, but the credits will also be applied toward the maximum time frame.

Repeating Courses

Students may repeat courses taken at Elite Educational Training Center if they received a “W,” “D,” or “F” grade. Students may repeat a failed course once. A failed course is a course in which a student received a “D” or “F.” Credit is given for the last grade earned when repeating a course. Repeated courses will appear on the student’s transcript. The first attempt will also be shown, but the cumulative GPA will be re-computed to count the last attempt only. A course that is repeated will be subject to a fee equal to the cost per clock hour.

Procedure For Re-Establishing Satisfactory Academic Progress

If a student's grade point average (GPA) falls below a 2.0 in any component, the student will be judged to be making less than satisfactory progress toward graduation and may result in a student's being placed on academic probation for the subsequent grading period. If, by the end of the probationary period, a student has achieved a cumulative GPA of at least a 2.0, the probationary status will be removed. If, at the end of the probationary period, a student has not achieved a cumulative GPA of at least a 2.0 for the components, taken during the probationary period, the student may be required to repeat the semester at additional tuition or may be terminated due to unsatisfactory progress. The Satisfactory Academic Progress policy can be appealed to individual students under certain mitigating circumstances as determined by Elite Educational Training Center.

Academic Dismissal/Withdraw

“Academic Dismissal” represents a separation of students from Elite Educational Training Center for at least three months.

“Academic Dismissal” occurs after students fail to meet the minimum requirements during academic probation.
The student who withdraws voluntarily is called a “Withdrawn” student. The last physical date of attendance is considered the withdrawal date of the student whether the student is dismissed or withdraws. Any refunds due will be based on the last date of attendance

Remedial Courses

Elite Educational Training Center does not offer remedial courses.

Graduation Requirements

Elite Educational Training Center offers diplomas for the following programs:

  • Home Health Aide

  • Facial Specialist

  • Nail Technician

  • Security Guard License D (Spring 2025)


The student must comply with the following requirements to receive a diploma.

  1. Meet all financial obligations incurred with the institution.

  2. Complete the total number of hours including externship/clinical required by the students program and have an overall GPA of 2.0 or greater for all courses.

  3. Not have any pending exams or work due.

  4. Upon successfully passing and completing all academic, attendance, and financial requirements.

Security Guard License D State Licensing

  1. In person: schedule an appointment at: 7743 NW 48th Street, Ste 100 Doral, FL 33166-5407, Telephone: 305-639-3500


  3. One photograph

  4. Money order for $97.75

Non-Discrimination/Equal Opportunity Policy

Elite Educational Training Center’ policy of equal opportunity employment, consistent with federal policy, is that no person shall, on the grounds of race, creed, color, religion, handicap, gender, age, sexual orientation, or national origin, be excluded from any training, be denied the benefit of, or be subjected to discrimination in any admissions, instruction, and graduation policies or hiring practices.

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